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Standing 6' tall, Trace is one tall, dark and hairy hottie. Originally from Fort Lauderdale, 36 year old Trace Michaels makes his debut with us.

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MenOver30 Video: Sin & Bear It, Unbuckle those pants fellas, cuz have we got a hot daddy for you. We hope you enjoyed Mathias's X-Mas special and from everyone here at AD we wish you safe Holidays and a Happy New Year. He lies back on the couch and starts to beat his cock fast until his balls can't hold his nut in no longer and he shoots his thick creamy load all over his ripped abs. A long stroking and showing off session can make you thirsty as he takes a quick break to tell our viewers that it's time now for the cum shot. Mathias didn't just want this to be a stroke session so he incorporated some amazing show and tell and by that I mean he begins to slowly move his hips back and forth while showing off every muscle on his amazing fit body.

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He grips his cock with the strength of a bear making it pulsate for the camera and he tugs on his balls making them jingle all the way. His body is in peak physical condition as he uses his fingers to play with his eager tight hole. You can hear the excitement as he moans with pleasure stroking his thick shaft. He slowly undresses and reveals his massive veiny cock as he begins to slowly stroke his big dick.

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Mathias is wearing his X-Mas hat which he has had for many years. Mathias Military Porn Video - ActiveDuty.

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